Our year in review.
It has been a LONG year. Obviously more so emotionally than in actual time. I'm thankful for the end of this year. I'm thankful for my children who keep me insanely busy. I'm thankful that we are in our house after an 8 month long delay in necessary renovations to the house we moved to. I'm thankful that God never changes and that He has a plan and purpose for our lives. I'm thankful for the house of
prayer that I get to be a part of!
I look forward to 2011 (and spring! is it too soon to be anxious for?).
Eliya has grown and changed so much this year. She absorbs information and ideas so quickly. She has been going to Awanas, a Bible program for kids at a local church, and has memorized many verses. She is social and funny and a lot of fun. She loves her brother and although impatient with him at times; she is the first to his side when he cries or gets hurt. He often goes to her when he is crying! She loves singing, dancing, and drawing. She is READY to learn how to read!
Simeon is such a joy. He is still small enough to snuggle and I'm hoping it doesn't change anytime soon. He talks up a storm and LOVES his sister. He asks for her and about her any time she isn't with us. He potty trained well and quickly (although he still wears diapers to bed). He loves to pray for dinner and likes to thank God for each specific thing on his plate. He also likes to thank God for suckers occasionally.
Thanks for keeping in touch with our family through the blog. Hoping that your holidays are sweet this year and that you are drawn nearer to the heart of God!
With love,
Jennifer, Eliya and Simeon